[Linux] CentOS7 서버 전원 버튼 클릭 시 Poweroff 안 되도록 비활성화 하기

참고 사이트 : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Power_management#Power_management_with_systemd


  • ACPI 이벤트

    • power 버튼 관련된 이벤트는 ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)에서 관리한다.

    • 관련 설정은 /etc/systemd/logind.conf 에서 조정한다.

  • /etc/systemd/logind.conf 기본 설정값

    • 일반적으로 HandlePowerKey 만 참고하면 될 것 같다.

    Event HandlerDescriptionDefault Value
    HandlePowerKeyTriggered when the power key/button is pressed.poweroff
    HandleSuspendKeyTriggered when the suspend key/button is pressed.suspend
    HandleHibernateKeyTriggered when the hibernate key/button is pressed.hibernate
    HandleLidSwitchTriggered when the lid is closed, except in the cases below.suspend
    HandleLidSwitchDockedTriggered when the lid is closed if the system is inserted in a docking station, or more than one display is connected.ignore
    HandleLidSwitchExternalPowerTriggered when the lid is closed if the system is connected to external power.action set for HandleLidSwitch
  • /etc/systemd/logind.conf 설정 변경 후에는 systemd-logind.service 재기동(restart)이 필요함


echo "HandlePowerKey=ignore" >> /etc/systemd/logind.conf
systemctl restart systemd-logind

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