[Linux] CentOS7 에서 LLDP 설정 및 동작 확인

2019. 1. 13. 22:35 - mr.november11

[Linux] CentOS7 에서 LLDP 설정 및 동작 확인

연동 스위치의 포트에서 LLDP Enable 설정 필요

1. LLDP 설치 및 실행

  • lldpad package 설치

    yum install -y lldpad
  • lldpad daemon 실행

    systemctl start lldpad 

2. Link 에 LLDP 설정 및 설정 값 확인

  • lldptool 명령어로 설정

    • lldptool set-lldp -i ens1f0 adminStatus=rxtx ;

    • lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V sysName enableTx=yes;

    • lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V portDesc enableTx=yes ;

    • lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V sysDesc enableTx=yes;

    • lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V sysCap enableTx=yes;

    • lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V mngAddr enableTx=yes;

    [root@server ~]# lldptool get-lldp -i ens1f0 adminStatus
    [root@server ~]# lldptool set-lldp -i ens1f0 adminStatus=rxtx ;
    adminStatus = rxtx
    [root@server ~]# lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V sysName enableTx=yes;
    enableTx = yes
    [root@server ~]# lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V portDesc enableTx=yes ;
    enableTx = yes
    [root@server ~]# lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V sysDesc enableTx=yes;
    enableTx = yes
    [root@server ~]# lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V sysCap enableTx=yes;
    enableTx = yes
    [root@server ~]# lldptool -T -i ens1f0 -V mngAddr enableTx=yes;
    enableTx = yes
    [root@server ~]#
  • lldptool 명령어로 설정 값 확인

    • lldptool get-lldp -i ens1f0 adminStatus

    [root@server ~]# lldptool get-lldp -i ens1f0 adminStatus

3. LLDP 확인

  • LLDP 링크 연동 정보 확인

    • lldptool -i ens1f0 -t -n

    [root@server ~]# lldptool -i ens1f0 -t -n
    Chassis ID TLV
    Port ID TLV
    Local: Eth1/15
    Time to Live TLV
    Port Description TLV
    System Name TLV
    <NAME >
    System Description TLV
    System Capabilities TLV
    System capabilities: Bridge, Router
    Enabled capabilities: Bridge, Router
    Management Address TLV
    IPv4: <IP ADDRESS>
    Ifindex: 83886080
    Cisco 4-wire Power-via-MDI TLV
    4-Pair PoE not supported
    Spare pair Detection/Classification not required
    PD Spare pair Desired State: Disabled
    PSE Spare pair Operational State: Disabled
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 216, Info: 0000
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 201, Info: 01
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 212, Info: 53414c323031334e315457
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 214, Info: 4e394b2d433933373254582d45
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 210, Info: 6e393030302d31322e3228337329
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 202, Info: 01
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 211, Info: 0f7f
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 215, Info: 4130395f4c6561665f333132
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 206, Info: 546944435f414349
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 208, Info: 0a006057
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 203, Info: 00000138
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 205, Info: 0001
    Unidentified Org Specific TLV
    OUI: 0x000142, Subtype: 207, Info: 040a00000466333132323566302d386435392d313165372d393532652d633561353939663765646430050a00000537306335633865632d313766342d313165382d393063622d653566633334303530373633030a00000333316164313532612d343365362d313165382d623062642d323365666164313639656339020a00000235333164613731632d343365392d313165382d626538642d666631363438363937333462010a00000131626239633462632d343366652d313165382d393463382d383761393662623566356436
    End of LLDPDU TLV
  • LLDP 링크 연동 통계 확인

    • lldptool -i ens1f0 -S

    lldptool -i ens1f0 -S

4. LLDP 설정 해제

  • lldptool set-lldp 로 adminStatus 변경

    • lldptool set-lldp -i eno5 adminStatus=disabled

      lldptool set-lldp -i eno5 adminStatus=disabled

    [root@P-TVIEW-NAS11 ~]# lldptool set-lldp -i eno5 adminStatus=disabled
    adminStatus = disabled
    [root@P-TVIEW-NAS11 ~]# lldptool set-lldp -i ens1f0 adminStatus=disabled
    adminStatus = disabled
    [root@P-TVIEW-NAS11 ~]#

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